Quick Facts

Do it Yourself

Beat down Bruno Flameretardant, Frankie Gearslipper, Jack the Hammer, and Sudsy Magee.
Bruno Flameretardant beaten down (1)
Frankie Gearslipper beaten down (1)
Jack the Hammer beaten down (1)
Sudsy Magee beaten down (1)


We need to send a message to several deadbeats. Of course, they're hiding out in Drudgetown, the scum. I know how you hate going into the slums, boss-<man/lady>, but what can we do?

<Sassy rifles through some paperwork.>

I have all of the names right here.

Might I suggest a little 'personal visit'? A couple of strategic beatdowns will send a message to the other debtors AND your competition.

<name> is not a goblin to be trifled with!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Debt Collector's Gloves Cracking Whip
You will also receive:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(14070))

