Quick Facts

Fun for the Little Ones

Bring 15 Fossil Fragments collected with Archaeology to Professor Thaddeus Paleo at the Darkmoon Faire.
Collect: Fossil Archaeology Fragment (15)


Children are always full of questions about what an archaeologist does and how it works, so I prepared a demonstration for them.

I take artifacts and fossils and bury them in the sandbox beside the tent. The children get to dig and make their own discoveries, learn how bones fit together, and see how archaeology can teach them about history.

If you have any spare fossils, would you consider donating them to my side project?


The following spell will be cast on you:
[DNT] Quest Complete: Fun for the Little Ones TRACKER
You will receive:
Darkmoon Game Token Darkmoon Prize Ticket


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(29507))

