Quick Facts

Instant Poison

Vendor Locations

This item can be purchased in Icecrown Citadel , Naxxramas , Ulduar , Dalaran  (4), Undercity  (4), Ashenvale  (3), Borean Tundra  (3), Darnassus  (3), Zul'Drak  (3), Dragonblight  (2), Duskwood  (2), Grizzly Hills  (2), Howling Fjord  (2), Ironforge  (2), Orgrimmar  (2), Sholazar Basin  (2), Trial of the Crusader , Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom , Alterac Valley , Black Temple , Crystalsong Forest , Ghostlands , Gruul's Lair , Hillsbrad Foothills , Icecrown , Karazhan , Magtheridon's Lair , Northern Barrens , Northern Stranglethorn , Pit of Saron , Serpentshrine Cavern , Silithus , Silvermoon City , Silverpine Forest , Stormwind City , Tempest Keep , The Eye of Eternity , The Nexus , The Obsidian Sanctum , The Oculus , The Ruby Sanctum , The Storm Peaks , Utgarde Pinnacle , Vault of Archavon , Wetlands , Zangarmarsh , and Zul'Gurub .

